Necoverse: Leading Finland’s Industrial Transformation

Europe and its manufacturing industries stand at a crossroads. As highlighted in the Draghi Report (September 9th, 2024), we face significant challenges in regaining our global competitiveness. The report emphasizes the urgent need for innovation, particularly through advanced technologies and industrial strategies. Among its key recommendations is the adoption of Industry 5.0, which fosters collaboration […]
Necoverse Learnings 2024

Necoverse people have been busy in 2024 and achieved interesting results, here are the most important learnings form each use case. UC1 – Training In Use Case1’s goal is to utilize new metaverse technologies and measure their effectiveness in vocational education, particularly within the Robot Training use case. The first experiment of the UC1 Robot […]
UC1 and Top3 Points From First Year

In the Necoverse UC1 target is to utilize new metaverse technologies and measure effectiveness in vocational education and within Robot training use case. The first experiment of UC1 robot training pilot was made from two different rounds having first one as group work and second one as induvial learning round. Both sessions were using the […]
Leading the Voyage: Metaverse Innovation Pilots-seminar presentations

Presentations from Leading the Voyage: Metaverse Innovation Pilots-seminar The seminar on November 19th in Helsinki XR-center Opportunities & Challenges of Robotic Inspectons, Martijn Cuyx, Innovation manager of Vincotte Technology enablers for Metaverse, Tatu Harviainen, VTT Metaverse in training, Jorma Palo, Finpeda Metaverse in design_burton, Stephanie Burton, Vertti &Co and Metaverse in design_saarinen, Juha Saarinen, Turku […]
Piloting digital pedagogy approach in metaverse

Vocational education with utilizing new technologies brings huge potential to expand usage of training environments beyond limits of physical locations both from time-spent to reach them and effectiveness point of view. First training pilot round was taking place on October/November in two sessions. First session with students in 6 groups having 3 person each and […]
The Importance of Virtual Space Quality in the Digital Era

As technology continues to evolve, the concept of “virtual space” has become increasingly relevant in both personal and professional contexts. Whether in the form of virtual meetings, online gaming, social media, or immersive environments like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), the quality of these virtual spaces can significantly affect user experience and engagement. […]
Taking digital pedagogy to vocational education with real-time collaboration in metaverse

The world has changed, digitalization takes place also in training approaches and expectations of the green transition will impact the way training is consumed. Vocational education and training is on spot when helping people to go ahead with their own careers and connects them to the labour markets on global basis. Utilizing new technologies […]
Necoverse seminar -Leading the Voyage: Metaverse Innovation Pilots 19.11.2024

Welcome to Necoverse seminar: Leading the Voyage: Metaverse Innovation Pilotson November 19th at 9:30 – 11:30, Metropolia Arabia Campus Hämeentie 135. Seminar is part of MATCH XR event that is in the same Campus area. 9:30 Necoverse project (Ilkka Rytkölä Meyer Turku, Seppo Tikkanen DIMECC, Mika Luimula Turku UAS) 9:40 Keynote presentation: Opportunities & Challenges of Robotic Inspections, Martijn […]
Jump into the Magical Spaces, an interactive multiuser metaverse pilot prototype

Necoverse project is progressing with the first metaverse test experiments held this week at the Futuristic Interactive Technologies Competence Center at the School of ICT of Turku University of Applied Sciences. Nearly 40 engineering students jumped into the Magical Spaces interactive multiuser metaverse pilot prototype for experiencing the atmosphere and interactive functionalities of aperitif bar […]
Necoverse visited Meyer shipyard

Autumn started with a visit to the Meyer shipyard