Leading the Voyage: Metaverse Innovation Pilots-seminar presentations

Presentations from Leading the Voyage: Metaverse Innovation Pilots-seminar


The seminar on November 19th in Helsinki XR-center


Opportunities & Challenges of Robotic Inspectons, Martijn Cuyx, Innovation manager of Vincotte

Technology enablers for Metaverse, Tatu Harviainen, VTT

Metaverse in training, Jorma Palo, Finpeda

Metaverse in design_burton, Stephanie Burton, Vertti &Co and

Metaverse in design_saarinen, Juha Saarinen, Turku UAS

Metaverse in Remote Inspections, Tuomas Suominen, KIWA

Industrial Metaverse for human-centric processes, Chao, Aalto University